The 1:1 Diet, which was known before as the Cambridge Weight Loss Diet has been around since first founded in 1984. The diet is now used by thousands of people all over the world to help regain control of your weight and start leading a happier and healthier life. Since the begining it has been constantly developed, tested and validated by expert nutritionists and researchers to keep it helping people lose weight.
How the 1:1 Diet really works
Satge 1: Everything starts with finding a consultant. Thats me!!! As a consultant myself, i am here to ensure that we start by getting a constructive plan setup following the guidelines from 1:1 Diet themselves.
Stage 2: This is all about getting to know each other and getting an understanding of what goals you want to achieve along with how i can help you achieve those goals. We will talk through all of the 1:1 Diet options and techniques and decide which will be the most appropriate for you. Although this can be a bit nervouos to begin with, being open and honest will help start the process alot quicker. If you decide you are ready to get going then all of the products will be available for you to take away and start losing weight immediately.
Stage 3: From the day you start your dieting journey, i will be here to support you and encourage you. Along with our weekly meetings you will be able to contact me at anytime. If there is something you are unsure about or just need a quick chat for support then thats all part of the process. Its not just the weight loss we will help you with, but the full support throughout the whole journey to keep you on track. Its not always easy, but you can achieve your goal if you really are determined enough.
Understanding the 1:1 Diet Plan

On the 1:1 Diet its all about replacing your normal meals with a structured and nutritionally balanced alternative. The 1:1 Diet has a fantastic selection of tasty meal replacements to choose from. There are many flavours available throughout the shakes, soups, meal bars and smoothies. By replacing your normal meal plan with a structured selection of 1:1 products it helps stop the temptations when doing your normal food shopping. No need to face the temptations anymore!. Starting with total meal replacements will allow for better results throughout your weight loss plan. As you start approaching your goal start looking to re-introduce healthy balanced meals. We have some amazing recipes available for you to maintain your goal weight.
With your personally created plan in place and a structured approach to your diet combined with 1 on 1 weekly support from myself, you will be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goal. Everything we do will change the way you look at food forever. If for any reason the wheels fall off for a bit then you know exactly how to get back on track!